Contact Us
Chemistry Department
Main Office:
Call this office for help with Registration Overrides & Advising Holds
6040 USA South Drive CHEM 223
Mobile, AL 36688
(251) 460-6181
Call this office for help with Check-out and Unpaid Chemistry Fees & Chemistry Lab Holds
6041 USA South Drive SLB 204
Mobile, AL 36688
6040 USA South Drive CHEM 125
Mobile, AL 36688
(251) 341-3729
For: CH 101L, CH 131L, & 132L
(251) 460-7420
For: Upper level laboratories & Research
Full-time Faculty

Dr. Andrzej Wierzbicki
Professor and Dean of Arts and Sciences
Professor and Dean of Arts and Sciences
Part-time Faculty
Adjunct Faculty
Emeritus Faculty