Internet of Things | School of Computing Research-十大彩票网投平台
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Internet of Things

Internet of Things


The advancement of pervasive and ubiquitous computing devices embedded into everyday objects has given rise to the Internet-of-Things (IoT). It is estimated that by the year 2020 about 30-50 million sensor and actuator devices will be connected to the Internet.  This includes a wide variety of applications such as wearable devices, home automation, smart cities/factories, healthcare, and automotive employments.

IoT devices are typically low-powered, battery enabled devices, that do not offer the computational resources for cryptographic-heavy security solutions. As IoT advances, we must address significant challenges such as large-scale data aggregation, end-user privacy, device security, and manufacturer’s intellectual property protection.

Associated Research Groups:

System Protection and Exploitation Research Group (SPERG)

Digital Forensics Information Intelligence (DFII)

Health Informatics

Lead Faculty
Todd Andel Dr. Todd Andel 
Associated Faculty
Ryan Benton Dr. Ryan Benton
CS Department Chair, 
Associate Professor
Matt Campbell Dr. Matt Campbell
Associate Professor
Todd McDonald Dr. Todd McDonald
CFITS Director,