USA Department of Microbiology & Immunology Faculty
Academic Faculty

Kevin R. Macaluso, PhD
Professor and Chair
Microbiology and Immunology
Phone: (251) 460-7514
Fax: (251) 460-7931

Jonathon P. Audia, PhD
Infectious Disease and Host Defense (IDHD) Track Director
Phone: (251) 460-6929
Fax: (251) 460-7931

Robert A. Barrington, PhD
Associate Professor
Director, Office of Research, Education, and Training (ORET)
Phone: (251) 461-1718
FAX: (251) 460-7931

Michael R. Elliott, PhD
Associate Professor
Phone: (251) 445-9800

Eliane V. Esteves, PhD
Assistant Professor, Research
Phone: (251) 460-6982

Meghan E. Hermance, PhD
Assistant Professor
Associate Director, Laboratory of Infectious Diseases (LID)
Phone: (251) 460-6957

Jin Hyun Kim, DVM, PhD
Assistant Professor
Phone: (251) 460-6204
Fax: (251) 460-7931

Jonathan O. Rayner, PhD
Associate Professor
Director, Laboratory of Infectious Diseases (LID)
Phone: (251) 414-8179
Fax: (251) 460-7931

Allyson E. Shea, PhD
Assistant Professor
Phone: (251) 460-6275
Fax: (251) 460-7931
Emeritus Faculty

John W. Foster, PhD
Professor Emeritus
Phone: (251) 460-6323
Fax: (251) 460-7931

Robert N. Lausch, PhD
Professor Emeritus
Phone: (251) 460-6250
Fax: (251) 460-7931

John E. Oakes, PhD
Professor Emeritus

David O. Wood, PhD
Professor Emeritus
Retired Faculty

Adel L. Barsoum, PhD
Retired Assistant Professor
Adjunct Appointments
James Lawrence, DVM, MD, FAAP
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, Whiddon College of Medicine
Jason Strickland, PhD
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, Whiddon College of Medicine
Joint Appointments
Christopher Davies, PhD
Associate Dean for Research, Whiddon College of Medicine
Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Whiddon College of Medicine
Joint Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, Whiddon College of Medicine
Dahlene Fusco, MD, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Whiddon College of Medicine
Division Chief, Infectious Diseases, USA Health
Joint Associate Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, Whiddon College of Medicine
A. Michele Schuler, DVM, PhD
Professor, Department of Comparative Medicine, Whiddon College of Medicine
Joint Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, Whiddon College of Medicine
John A. VandeWaa, PhD, DO
Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, Whiddon
College of Medicine
Joint Associate Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, Whiddon College of Medicine
Research Associates
Mary Patton, PhD
Elliott Lab Group
Mitchell Cancer Institute, Whiddon College of Medicine
Postdoctoral Fellows
Thitigun Jaimipuk, PhD
Macaluso Lab Group
Postdoctoral Fellow, Laboratory of Infectious Diseases, Whiddon College of Medicine
Mita Tran, PhD
Elliott Lab Group
Postdoctoral Fellow, Mitchell Cancer Institute, Whiddon College of Medicine
Amanda Tuckey, PhD
Audia Lab Group
Postdoctoral Fellow, Medical Sciences Building, Whiddon College of Medicine
Olu Adesunloro, BS
Shea Lab Group
Medical Sciences Building, Whiddon College of Medicine
Killian Brewer, BS
Barrington Lab Group
Medical Sciences Building, Whiddon College of Medicine
Bailey Hettinger, BS
Hermance Lab Group
Medical Sciences Building, Whiddon College of Medicine
Manley Hicks, BS
Elliott Lab Group
Mitchell Cancer Institute, Whiddon College of Medicine
Sarah Macon-Foley, MS
Hermance Lab Group
Laboratory of Infectious Diseases, Whiddon College of Medicine
Brianna Mitchell, BS
Elliott Lab Group
Mitchell Cancer Institute, Whiddon College of Medicine
Shovon Lal Sarkar, BS
Macaluso Lab Group
Laboratory of Infectious Diseases, Whiddon College of Medicine
Chanakan (Nam) Suwanbongkot, BS
Macaluso Lab Group
Laboratory of Infectious Diseases, Whiddon College of Medicine
Meagan Taylor, BS
Rayner Lab Group
Laboratory of Infectious Diseases, Whiddon College of Medicine
Hoa Tran, BS
Audia Lab Group
Medical Sciences Building, Whiddon College of Medicine
Rachel Fleck, BA
Research Technologist I, Shea Lab Group, Medical Sciences Building, Whiddon College of Medicine
Ahmed Garba, MS
Research Technologist III, Hermance Lab Group, Laboratory of Infectious Diseases, Whiddon College of Medicine
Juleigh Jeffreys, BS
Research Technologist III, Shea Lab Group, Medical Sciences Building, Whiddon College of Medicine
Meredith Moody, MA
Financial Operations Specialist, Medical Sciences Building, Whiddon College of Medicine
Sienna Cornwall-Brady, BS
Research Technologist I, Macaluso Lab Group, Laboratory of Infectious Diseases, Whiddon College of Medicine
Clémence Obellianne, BS
Research Technologist III, Hermance Lab Group, Laboratory of Infectious Diseases, Whiddon College of Medicine
Rosemary Roberts, BS
Laboratory Manager, Rayner Lab Group, Laboratory of Infectious Diseases, Whiddon College of Medicine
Gabby Taylor, BS
Research Technologist I, Audia Lab Group, Medical Sciences Building, Whiddon College of Medicine
Savannah Valentine, BS
Research Technologist III, Audia Lab Group, Medical Sciences Building, Whiddon College of Medicine
Madeline Wasden, MS
Program Coordinator, Laboratory of Infectious Diseases, Whiddon College of Medicine