Minors | Mitchell College of Business -十大彩票网投平台
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Mitchell College of Business Minors

Students from colleges outside the Mitchell College of Business may elect, with the approval of their department chair, a minor in the Mitchell College of Business. A 2.0 GPA is required for the courses applied toward the minor. Students must complete at least 50 percent of the courses counted toward the minor at the University of South Alabama. Courses used for a first business minor may not be used for a second business minor.

- Accounting Minor (18 hours) -

A minimum of 18 semester hours including:
* ACC 212 Managerial Accounting
ACC 371 Intermediate Accounting

Plus twelve semester hours (4 courses) of other upper-level accounting courses numbered 301 or above.
* Only ACC 212 may count toward both the Business major and the Accounting minor.

- Data Analytics Minor (18 hours) -

A minimum of 18 semester hours including: 
BUS 305 Data Analytics III
BUS 430 Advanced Data Analytics

Plus six semester hours from the following list :
ECO 451 Mathematical Economics
ECO 453 Introduction to Econometrics
MGT 390 Total Quality Management
MGT 430 Operations Research
MKT 340 Marketing Analytics
MKT 384 Market Research

Plus six semester hours from the following list:
HI  410 Health Informatics
ISC 305 Information Systems Technology
ISC 353 Information Systems Application development ST 335 Applied Regression Analysis

- Economics Minor (18 hours) -

The designated courses are intended to provide knowledge of economics to support major study in the College of Arts & Sciences or the School of Computer and Information Science.

A minimum of 18 semester hours including:
* ECO 215 Principles of Microeconomics
* ECO 216 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 315 Intermediate Microeconomics or ECO 316 Intermediate Macroeconomics

Plus nine semester hours of other upper-level economic courses numbered 301 or above.
* Only ECO 215 & 216 may count toward both the Business major and the Economics minor.

- Entrepreneurship Minor (18 hours) -

MGT 345     Innovation and Creativity (prerequisite: Sophomore Standing)
MGT 355     Legal & Financial Aspects of Entrepreneurship (prerequisite: Sophomore Standing)
MGT 365     New Venture Creation (prerequisites: MGT 345 & MGT 355)
MGT 483     Social Entrepreneurship (prerequisite: Junior Standing)

Plus two electives from: MGT 300, MKT 320, MGT 347, MGT 356, MKT 350, MKT 381, MGT 462

- Finance Minor (18 hours) -

Minor In Finance For Business Majors – (18 hours)
*FIN 315 Business Finance
*ECO 215 Principles of Microeconomics

Plus twelve semester hours upper-level Finance Electives EXCEPT FIN 300.
*Only FIN 315 and ECO 215 may count toward both the Business major and the Finance minor.

- General Management Minor (18 hours) -

MGT 300 Management Theory and Practice
MGT 305 Organizational Communication
MGT 340 Organizational Behavior
MGT 351 Human Resource Management

Plus six semester hours of Management Electives, numbered 300 or above for which the student meets the prerequisites.

- Industrial-Organizational Psychology Minor (18 hours) -

PSY 120 Introduction to Psychology / PSY 121 PSY 121 - Honors Gen Psychology
PSY 220 Res Design and Analysis I
MGT 305 Organizational Comm / MGT 306 Organizational Comm Non Bus (for non-business major)

Plus nine hours semester hours from the following List.  Students must complete at least one course from psychology and one course from management: PSY 320, PSY 425, PSY 435, PSY 440, PSY 460, MGT 340 (W)/MGT 341 (for non-business majors), MGT 345, MGT 351, MGT 357, MGT 451.

- Marketing Minor (18 hours) -

MKT 320 Principles of Marketing
MKT 374 Consumer Behavior
MKT 380 Integrated Marketing Communications

Plus nine semester hours of other upper-level Marketing courses numbered 300 or above.

- Real Estate for Business Majors Minor (18 hours) -

* ECO 216 Prin of Macroeconomics
* FIN 315 Business Finance
FIN 344 Real Estate
FIN 444 Real Estate Valuation
FIN 446 Real Estate Finance & Invest
FIN 448 - Real Estate Law

* Only ECO 215 & FIN 315 may count toward both the Business major and the Real Estate minor.